What we've been up to..
Well its all been happening here at Panthyon and Dekadance!
We're flying through the months, and abosolutely smashing it!
August update
Its been all go for the Rottie girls! Best In Groups, Best of Breeds and Runner ups!
Athena has come back out for a run with young Ravyn and not only are they holding their own in the Neuter class (Ravyn aged 10 and Athena aged 11) she is a pure dynamo in the Junior handler classes!
Mr Hugo unfortunatly hurt his leg at the start of July, and has taken a leave of absence for the remainder of the year to rest - He'll be back next year!
Winnie has taken a trip to WA and in her first 3 shows has taken x1 Best of Breed, x1 Best Bitch and x1 Runner up (also her class in groups) WAY TO GO!!
8 bundles of Staffy joy! 5 girls and 3 boys
June Update:
We have been thrilled with her successes, Multi Group 6 wins, Challenges and Class in Show awards - at 15 months old - we couldnt be prouder!!
A Huge thankyou to our dear friend Nicky Clark who has been on the end of the lead numerous times and helped in Pallas and Nikes success.
We have puppies!! Pallas and Oly welcome 10 bundles of joy - information on our adoption page
Our little man is ON FIRE!!!
We are absolotuley thrilled with his acheivements and thank Ms Jen Sayers for this incredible placement.

May Update
Mr Hugo is now an AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION, with 4 back to back groups and 2 Runner Up IN SHOWs - the little man titled in style!

Sephy and Nike are holding their own in the ring, and although Miss Sephy is out doing Nike, they are having fun!
Both have accumulated several Best in Groups and In SHOW awards - watch this space for Panthyons first home bred Champion..

Pallas welcomed her beautiful bunch of kids! 10 in total - 5 of each and all are thriving. Contact us for details.

We are overjoyed to go back to where it all began, and welcome into our home "Hugo" AKA Swanky Turning Over A New Leaf!
Hugo combines old school with new school and a couple of "Great" into a pedigree that denotes what the Ross family are known for - and we are THRILLED!
Hugo starts with a BANG, 4 shows = 3 BOB's and x1 Runner up in Group!!
Welcome to 2024 - wishing everyone a beautiful new year!
We are very excited for 2024 with some awesome plans in place :) We cant wait to share our journey with you all!!

And just like that....
We have some winners onboard!
Nike - aged 10 months - Best in Group and Puppy in Show
Sephy - aged 6 months and 5 days - Best in Group!!
Nemesis and Persephone kicked off the start of their show careers - little trooper strutted their stuff and had a ball! Each taking a Baby Puppy in Group award!
ATHENA BECOMES A CHAMPION! Well on paper as we always knew she was :)
Rachel Handled the stunning Flash on the weekend and took BEST IN SHOW and RUNNER UP IN SHOW!
thanks to Geraldine Noonan for trusting me with this stunning girl!
Blankenburg On The Track (aged 14 months)

See our puppies page!

We welcome to the crew "Nike"
Named after the goddess herself - Nike was the goddess of Victory, She was the daughter of Ares and the aide to Athena.
We couldnt of picked a better name
Check her out on our "Home team" Page
Miss Athena came out again for a play and was awarded NEUTER IN SHOW!
The Fantastikrott crew came for a visit, bringing with them 4 of their AMAZING kids! We were very blessed to spend time with the magic Navarro (stuff of Legends)
Congrats on the lovely Tessa's beautiful win.
Vegas said goodbye to 3 of her babies..but watch this space..we have a little surpirse in the making.

Aries and Vegas welcome 6 little bundles of black and tan magic! we are proud to have this litter in conjunction with Fantastikrot
Billie and Chappo are proud parents!! We welcome 4 little cherubs - 1 girl and 3 boys.
Nothing better than puppy breath!
Today our world got dark..with the heaviest of hearts we said goodbye to Chief.
"I held you when you were born, and i held you when you drifted away. May you spend your time running free at rainbow bridge"
Chief was so uch more than the adverage dog! He was a show man and a gentleman. The dog that made people go wow - he represented the breed at its finest! I will forever be grateful to my friend (and his nana/breeder) katrina for allowing this man to be my best friend.
Aries decided to join us on a show (1st time in 3 years) - still proving he has what it takes, he took Best of Breed (against a very successful and strong group of Rotties) and Runner up Best in Group ! Athena still enjoying strutting her stuff took 2 more Runner Up Neuter in Shows!
Show season has started again and after a long time out of the ring we are looking forward to some new faces on the end of our leads.
Athena has come out of retirement to play! Her first time in the ring in years and at a tender age of 8 - she wins Runner Up Neuter in Show!!
We have a special visitor! All the way from WA - we are happy to have the beautiful Vegas stay with us!
Fantastikrot Hit The Jackpot!
Well 2021 has started with a BANG! After taking a break from the show ring over the last year, and very limited showing in 2019, we have decided to make a fresh start on not only our personal lives - but reinvigorate our showing!
4th August 2021
We welcomed our precious second litter of Rotties
Mums and Bubs doing great!
Jan 2021 - to date:
Our rottie pups have all settled into their new homes and are thriving in areas such as obedience, and simply being AMAZING dogs! We love catching up with them all and their families and love that they keep in contact with each other via our face book group chat!
We welcomed the newest Staffy additon to our family in March - Royalrogue Little Lioness AKA Leah. A little spit fire with a HUGE future. She is living up to her name and is loving the ring! Baby in Group at every show so far!
Chief has been coming out for a play again! First shows back in August (from not showing in 18 months) he took BEST IN SHOW!
He has gone on to consistantly win Best In Group and his Class in Show from then on! We are on a mission to finish his Supreme Champion title this year - watch this space!
Best of all - we got MARRIED!
We thank each and everyone who attended and sent us congrats!
It was a perfect day surrounded by friends and family and best of all our fur babies!